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About Us


Sanbad Voice 9 is a digital newspaper that covers the most important news throughout the world. Sangbad Voice 9 is owned and led by Tarak Ghosh, a journalist and author, who has inherited a rich tradition of journalism and is carrying on the same pursuit of excellence for today's times. Sangbad Voice 9 is a new English Digital news portal, but already it gets a large number of readers within a short period of time. At a time when information and knowledge are a flood on digital platforms, Sangbad Voice 9 stands apart, offering views rather than news, generating diverse opinions, encouraging analysis, making sense of the noise and fostering independent thoughts and implementable solutions to the great Indian conundrum. Sangbad Voice has a strong news team and has several expert state correspondents and foreign correspondents that are dedicated to the news.

The man behind this digital newspaper

Unveiling the hidden truths, author Tarak Ghosh delves into the depths of society through his compelling storytelling. As an esteemed journalist turned novelist, he brings a unique perspective to his works, shedding light on both the light and dark aspects of human existence. With a literary debut in English in 2012, Tarak's words have captivated readers worldwide. As an editor of a digital newspaper, he continues to stay at the forefront of current affairs while crafting gripping tales that resonate with readers on a profound level. Through his experiences attending events in India and abroad, Tarak Ghosh's literary world is enriched by diverse cultures and perspectives. Prepare to be enthralled as he uncovers society's secrets and challenges conventional notions through his thought-provoking narratives.

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