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A new book on spiritual and social scientist D. Swami Sri Prajnadas Kathia Maharaj is being published.


Rajat Roy, Kolkata Bureau, Voice 9: What prompted the visit of the prominent sociologist and great saint of India's Nimbark community, D. Swami Prajnadas Kathia Maharaj? 'Reason of Existence?' will be released, an information-rich book by journalist Tarak Ghosh on undisclosed incidents in the life of this great saint.

 It may be remembered that he had previously written a different book titled 'Phire Dekha'. "Why did you come?" Tarak Babu asks, adding that there are some things that readers were not aware of previously. Many people would be unaware of the significance of his research book for global social policy.

This book is about the unknown events in the life of D. Swami Prajnadas Kathia Maharaj, his significant research and theory on social issues, why he thought of changing society, how he moved towards building a new society through monastic life, and what new social and religious reforms he wanted to make that could have changed Indian society.

This book contains the history of India's ancient social system and Nimbarka community, D. Swami Prajnadas Kathia Maharaj's social and religious consciousness, his many pieces of advice for housewives and monks, various ways to be happy and well in family life, various evils in social life and ways to avoid them, and proper methods of chanting and meditating.

Aside from that, there are several images depicting his life, the message of D. Swami Prajnadas Kathia Maharaj, his varied experiences at the Kumbh Mela, and, most importantly, the last few months of his earthly existence. It is expected that this book will be published in Bengali in September. It will later be released in English in 60 countries worldwide for non-Bengali devotees and foreigners.

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